Friday, January 4, 2008

‘UFOs are seen as a joke but it’s almost an absolute certainty they exist’ - icWales

Furher evidence of wave of paranormal events in Wales.

‘UFOs are seen as a joke but it’s almost an absolute certainty they exist’ - icWales

If reports of UFO sightings are to be believed, we are not alone. Echo reporter LAURA WRIGHT delves into South Wales’ very own X Files...

SIGHTINGS of unidentified flying objects have soared in the last month, with at least two a week seen by airline pilots in South Wales.

Dancing lights, large craft and mysterious flashes are among dozens of UFOs sighted above Cardiff and the South Wales Valleys in the last few years.

And only four days ago, on the night of Christmas Day, a couple saw spherical orange lights in the sky above their home in the capital.

According to figures released under the Freedom of Information Act, the Ministry of Defence has looked into 13 reports of UFOs in South Wales in the past three years. Several other sightings have been posted on UFO websites but it is thought that many more go unreported....

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